Did We Fool You?
April 2, 2008
you are a true follower of our Web site, purple Kool-Aid and all, you
may have read of our plans to travel around the world
in a hot air balloon. You may have even
been excited about the prospect of reading our travel updates over the
next several weeks. But, alas, it was more hot air than hot air balloon.
Just our little April Fool!
While we would love to have had the real opportunity to travel the world
in a hot air balloon, we are but humble working-class folk with
real-life responsibilities. So, unlike Richard Branson who ditched his
efforts to circumnavigate the globe half away over the Pacific Ocean,
we've ditched our attempt before we even began!
But, hey, you never know what the future may hold. We could get serious
about a hot air balloon adventure one day – or we may decide to
participate in some other grand adventure. Stay tuned to see what we get
up to in the next episode of RyanCentric ...